I couldn't more highly recommend Bob's character and approach to healing and soul expansion. Where conventional talk therapy falls short, and unfortunately it often does, Bob stands at the ready to pick up the slack.
- J. Marshall Lamm (CMHC)
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and owner of Lifeworks Counseling
Very rarely do I see people get down to the root cause. Nor do I see them get there very quickly, effectively, and turn things around.
Bob has a unique way of working with people that gets them freedom, transformation, and happiness. He helps them step into enjoying their lives and enjoying their partners without the need for some of the things that we become addicted to.
I can't recommend Bob enough. He is sort of the go-to person for me if I need to refer out. He has all of the foundational work there but is not limited by what we can do as therapists.
- Misty McIntyre (LMFT)
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Sex Therapist, and Georgia board certified.
As a therapist I went through Bob's program, and the skills taught there have some similarities to things I teach my clients. But he additionally has things that aren't taught in therapy.
In order to learn all the skill taught in just one of Bob's programs I would anticipate it would take me 6-8 sessions with a client for them to learn those skills. For Bob to put it in one place is remarkable for the people he's serving.
- Chase Sayer (LCSW)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker and CEO of GetReal
I’ve learned PTSD and panic attacks are frighteningly real. I was in a dark place after the wreck. My journal entries talk of life devoid of meaning, of hopelessness. You could say I was in a vice grip of despair. Fortunately, Bob Gardner grasps the link between body and mind and gently but firmly guided me through a process that, while tough, helped me heal—mentally.
I cannot recommend him enough.
Layne Gneiting
Ultimate Adventure Coach & Founder of Way of The Hero
I wanted to share with you both how amazing the "ABLE" formula has been for me. Especially the "E" (escape). But I have been amazed at how quickly I am able to release the horrible feeling of anxiety in my chest.
Ashley Nenonen
I was a Pastor and in ministry for many years. Did all the repenting I could do. Full of the Holy Spirit. Moved in the prophetic realm, miracles but still couldn't completely rid myself of Porn. The most freedom I ever got from porn came through working with Bob and his team. I would highly recommend his team and program to anyone struggling.
Randy Simmons
Rancher and old school cowboy
The last 3 weeks have been the most transformative experience I have had in my life, and the crazy part is I feel like I am just scratching the surface of what's possible after getting rid of a lifetime of anxiety. I can't wait to dig deeper. THANK YOU for helping me see myself and the world around me in a whole new way.
Stacy Houser
General Contractor & Business Coach
I started noticing results right away. About three weeks in I realized I was done with depression.
Brad VanFleet
I tried to get rid of my self hatred, on and off again depression, anxiety and tension. I knew Jesus' love and his truth but somehow my body just wouldn't release the past. I couldn't let go of the memories After 9 years of small improvements, I went to a retreat with him and his team. Now I have zero anxiety and tension 99% of the time and the other 1% I have hope and simple tools to regulate my emotions.
Quincie Latham
If I had known beforehand the freedom and healing that I would experience at Bob's event, I would have 2nd mortgaged my home to get there.
Merlin Wollenstein
Bodybuilder & IT Specialist
I have more tools in my belt now to help me get out of bed, and help my kids through that thing called life. Thanks to Bob for helping me open up to clarity and peace within again. I had forgotten what that was like.
Mary Knapp
Mother of 6 & Online Business Coach for Moms
I've been handling cravings like a 😎 FREAKIN BOSS 😎 simply by realizing that the source is always me not feeling as best as I could at any given moment. From there I can identify what's happening, what's causing it and implement Emotional Ninjitsu 🔥🔥🔥
Iann Massoud
Media Producer
I'm about a week into the course and am seriously amazed at how I'm feeling! I have struggled with pretty intense anxiety since having my baby and it is already SO much better. If this is only one week in, I can't wait to see how much it improves even more in the next two weeks!
Kati Terry
New Mother
Freak man! My OCD diagnosis was literally solved one week into working with you because of these skills. I don't fixate on things anymore.
Tucker Mortensen
General Manager of an E-Cycle Facility
I gotta tell you Bob, this Delete Button is worth the price the whole program man. I've been "burning" everything, and experiencing major emotional shifts.
Brian Messerli
I just finished lesson 3, and I wanted to share what happened. I have been holding a lot of stress and anger for many years and yesterday doing the exercise I sobbed. I felt all the stress anxiety, and anger leaving my body as I would exhale. I have also seen a lot of improvement in the way I process situations and haven't yelled at my kids since the first day I started.
Andy Bagley
I'm beyond grateful that I found The Freedom Specialist. It has even helped me in business because I'm no longer operating in shame and at war within myself all the time.
James Miller
General Contractor & Business Coach
Loving this process. I have to say yesterday was an extremely chaotic and stressful day at work; many really rough critical patients and being stretched entirely too thin. 3/4 of the way through the shift I realized that while I wasn't loving the situation i was in.…i was fine. I wasn't overly panicked, my pulse wasn't throbbing in my temples and I wasn't exploding with rage on the inside like I tend to do. I was really doing ok with it all. Kinda cool to notice a change.
Steve Busch
I dealt with a decade of excruciating pain from total body inflammation and a viral and bacterial load that still shocks my doc. I thought my body was fragile. I thought I'd reached my max on pain and what I could tolerate. After 3 small sessions and working with Bob on some very specific elements of his program I no longer recognized what it felt like to live inside my body. Today, I live PAIN FREE!
Amber Sellers
DoTerra Representative & Team Leader
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We are not doctors, physicians, counselors, or therapists. We are coaches. As a result, we do not diagnose, cure, treat, or prescribe treatment for mental health issues. What we do is help eliminate the root problems that have contributed to the struggle and empower you with skills to be able to live a life that gives you MORE than the behaviors ever did. That way the struggle often vanishes or goes away on its own without having to treat it at all. If that's the kind of help you are looking for, schedule a call here.
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